measures workplace health management are usually divided into measures of behavioral and situational prevention. Among measures of behavioral prevention is understood as measures which have the change in health-related behavior of employees at the destination. situational prevention contrast, aims to shape the working conditions and tasks (conditions) so that they promote health-related behavior of employees while avoiding dysfunctional burden on employees. Although the behavioral prevention measures are implemented most often, it is believed that the focus should be the measures on the circumstances. After all, the underlying hypothesis: If the conditions are designed appropriately, follows health-enhancing behavior of employees more or less automatically.
Comprehensive Occupational Health Management aims to both workers, and - in the broadest sense - to consider the circumstances. The approach therefore not only the employees and the work task, the leadership and corporate culture. After a work psychological analysis and intervention model, the 5 x 5-effect model R. Wieland, reflects the culture of the framework for corporate health management. Work, leadership and behavior / attitudes of employees go as a customizable input variables in the model. As a process variable, the stress of employees is considered as output variables and complaints, absenteeism / presenteeism and performance can be considered.
In several studies that relate to this model, crystallized again and again the following variables to be particularly relevant out for the output variables:
- Employees: health literacy (the conviction of employees, health problems independently effective to meet)
- Visit: Employee-oriented leadership (the manager takes into account the needs of employees and seeks to gleichberechtitge and respectful relationship)
- work: regulation disabilities (waiting times, failure, interruption, etc.)
- stress: stress balance (difference between functional and dysfunctional stress)
Holistic measures of workplace health promotion should increase accordingly, at least the health literacy of employees and employee-oriented management and the regulation of disability . minimize
Both the project PACT (see below) as well as in studies I am involved in the exploration of the concept of holistic workplace health promotion, is being pursued by R. Wieland.
in an easily understandable description of the 5 x 5-effect model can be found such as BARMER Health Report 2009 .
Wieland, R., Winizuk, S. & Hammond, M. (2009):
An example of a study which parts of the above described relationship describes is. Leadership and work design - why good leadership alone does not make you healthy. magazine work 4 / 2009.
health literacy is described in:
Wieland, R. & Hammond, M. (2009). Health literacy as a personal Resource. In K. Mozygemba, Mümken S., U. Krause, M. Zundel, M. Rehm, N. Höfling-Engels, D. & B. Liidecke Qurban (eds). user orientation - a foreign concept in health protection? Bern: Huber. P. 177-190.
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