identity in the electronic world
When I called on Tuesday morning my blog, I experienced (and, evidently, many other bloggers) a nasty surprise: Instead of my own tweets from Twitter, the tweets I never had heard of a person involved in my blog. It was a certain Adam Croot from Essex, who is on Twitter owner of the username "undefined". Apparently had the Twitter Gadged Blogger malfunction in a javascript that returns instead of the correct name of the user-Twitter is undefined "and thus made sure that the tweets were just this author displayed in thousands of blogs.
Poor Adam Croot! In the last two days he had to endure a flood of complaints about themselves. At first, he has not tried to take the matter with humor, but because some users his sarcastic comments ("It's because I hacked the world!") Did not understand the thing for him would have become with time extremely annoying. He could not help it at all was given, but to his great dismay from the cumulative frustration of the blogger. Maybe However, he would have picked something more understanding if he had abstained during this period in his Tweets on the use of expressions of abusive language ...
is now apparently fixed the damage, and the waves have calmed down. However, this annoying incident shows one thing very clear: In today's online world it is increasingly difficult to maintain its own identity and distance themselves from others. allow tools such as Twitter gadget in Blogger but it usually to link its various own performances and keep together, but alas, this one goes wrong anything! All too quickly you suffered then electronically loss of identity, and whoosh-the-wupp it looks for other people as if they would be quite different.
especially in connection with online searches (Schäuble Stasi 2.0), no legal uncontrolled Internet Lock (Zensursula), spurious judgments unsuspecting lawyers over responsibilities for content on the Internet (the infamous "link" case), and stupid, totally anti-technology politicians ("Internet-expression") could the consequences of such incidents for law-abiding citizens actually be fatal. Due to technical problems embedded and content errors could lead to the closure of parties to criminal proceedings or to a public condemnation Lead should be making their effects even when proven innocent too difficult to reverse.
A brave new world is one in which the electronic identity of people threatened in part by a random, to be determined by certain co-prone technology dicing of unrelated, foreign content! In this way threatens despite all personalization of the network, despite all the (yet!) existing possibilities of free speech a gradual loss of individual identity in the electronic world, will not be no stopping the individual human absence of their own (technical and organizational) intervention. I think this idea frankly quite frightening ...
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