not defend Just!
whole world is discussing the case of the 50-year businessman who tried to protect in Munich to four children from a robbery and had to pay for his courage with his life. Politicians of all parties to exploit the incident during the election campaign for the most bizarre claims, mostly for even more useless Überwachunskameras for its monitoring at all no staff present. Moreover, given the fact that about 15 Gaffer's murder have stood idly by, repeatedly called for more civil courage.
But what happen if someone actually engages successfully helping, or if the victim of a brutal attack with him just means available to defend successfully against an aggressor is? As the case of a student shows, which last year was also attacked in Munich by Serbian thugs and dared to fight back ashamed, in such cases, our judiciary, just quickly, the principle of offender and victim to repent and thus to lead the justice ad absurdum.
Because he had violated the bat in self-defense seriously, the student to three years and nine months in prison for allegedly "attempted murder" was convicted. The competent jury saw it in his opinion the way, explicitly as aggravating circumstances in that he "repeatedly presented as an innocent victim" did. He also had to pay to the offender a sum of 12,500 € and apologize to him what I personally find to be particularly perverse.
Here is the full article from the Munich tz to the recent review of the verdict by the Federal Court. The offense of "manslaughter vesuchten" was not, however, called into question. Apparently, even the Federal Court of the opinion that they defend themselves against attackers must not, at least not with effective tools that could actually stop the attack. What we learn
it? Just do not fight! Who defends against attackers who must apologize behind in this, and pay them money for it is still in jail. In the opinion of the judge is allowed to be so well kill most resistance! The main thing, the whole incident is behind razor sharp enough captured on surveillance video, which can then be in prime time can send on television and political exploitation.
This conclusion can also be displayed the current case from Munich in a new light. If one could criticize the gawkers in the media really as much courage shown to assist the victim, and may have injured one of the culprits here, the helper will probably be sitting in jail while the perpetrators continue to roam freely and rob defenseless people. But apparently we live in a state of law ...
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