Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Fish Stick To Pan If Not Hot Enough

warning of the electronic identity card

On 18 December 2008, the German Bundestag adopted the so-called electronic identity card, from 1 November 2010 to replace the existing ID card. New are the credit card format, a chip and PIN and the digital storage of a biometric image and the fingerprints of the right and left index finger. The card will also offer an electronic credential that will enable it to deal with the card and a special reading device electronically via the Internet shown. This is a software called "citizen-client" is needed, together with the ID card is issued.

order in the Internet, the so-called e-ID function is used. The process is somewhat complicated, but ultimately it comes down to that particular service provider on the Internet, get on the ID contained in the transmitted chip stored information. The new card will also be administrative procedures can make online purchases and banking transactions. Supposedly all this be voluntary. But as we know it already from the forced-line filing of tax returns over ELSTER, it will probably be only a matter of time before the use of the new ID card for electronic identification and processing of online payments is mandatory.

At first glance, all this sounds perhaps not quite so bad. But bearing in mind the time that it will then be a single chip that not only all our personal data but also data on our finances, our purchasing behavior, our administrative procedures, etc. are stored and can be automatically retrieved at any time. At some point, perhaps even join our health data, with the argument "? What's another chip, it's much more convenient if you have everything on a single card" The card is thus virtually all contain information that is about a person There.

In this age of data retention, online searches and internet censorship, it is likely for the ruling Law-and-order politician will be only a formality to pass a law that one any time call enables all of this data by state agencies. As usual, either due to alleged counter-terrorism, nebulous reasons of national security, preventive measures to prevent acts of violence or the persecution of Kinderpornograhpie. And all this topped with the usual argument killer who behave in law-abiding, who have also nothing to hide and nothing to fear.

In the recent past our ruling politicians have used every possible opportunity to create new mechanisms to store and monitor data from the entire population. And they are also used by various authorities heartily. About 80 plants for telecommunications monitoring, used by 38 authorities, show that it is this use does not represent individual cases (such as in the much vaunted fight against terrorism). Rather, a comprehensive monitoring of all citizens is increasingly becoming a reality.

The flood of data that is now to be stored on the new electronic ID card, opened in this respect new quality. All on one chip, all read at any time - and this is technically still without any problems, because it so inherently insecure RFID technology to be used. This makes it possible for the entire data of a person in passing by radio from the chip in his passport to read without his ever noticing it. By the way, in principle, not only government but also for advertisers and companies for any kind of tech-savvy criminals ...

already made against the introduction of the biometric passport, there was some public resistance. It has our law-and-order politician now apparently learned and are now trying make us the new identity card on the supposedly handy features tasty. The media have already jumped on this train, and report only in laudatory tones about the benefits of the new card. Life is supposed to be easier in future for all - it is easier, however, primarily to monitor fan and for those politicians and authorities who appear to have as much afraid of their own people like the old leadership of the GDR.

The new ID card is the basis of one of the biggest steps towards surveillance state dar. data on consumer behavior and financial transactions were previously included in any identification. Now the planned merger of all these data enables anyone can read of it at any time to create a complete personality profile that can be misused for any purpose. A crucial step on the way to the "transparent citizen"! Since it is then no further steps to scenarios in which, for example discredited witnesses in court by disclosing statements about her private life moral or the application is rejected for unemployment benefits because you are successful private fund of grandma sold attic on eBay.

the way, it would be too soon with the new technical possibilities and honest easy, unpopular citizens foist (for example, critics of the surveillance state) false information and thus to discredit - technically a small thing. For the individual citizen, it would in this case are extremely difficult to prove otherwise, because after the official version, the new technology is supposedly tamper-proof. We are moving in the direction already been a total state control over all aspects of daily life. Personal freedoms are increasingly limited. The new electronic identity card is perfectly suited to speed up this extremely dangerous development considerably!


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