Thursday, February 3, 2011

How To Bind A Bow-tie

Gable Berger trail from Geroksruhe to corral space

The Gable Berger Trail is one of several routes, which are around Stuttgart city districts and urban districts were selected . There is some sense to scout a bit, wanted to follow this circular walks alone on the basis of fiducial marks. Because these characters are not always there and then to find where and when you would need it. An additional description in a book or brochure or on a blog or a map with drawn-routing for the successful observance of these trails almost a must.

This behaves as it did when Gable Berger trail that leads around the district of Gable Mountain in the district of Stuttgart-Ost. The character of this path is a sharp blue triangle in a blue circle.

The markers of the Alta Via Gable Berger: the arrow indicates the travel direction.
The road is marked with the mark only in one direction, clockwise, signs. Sometimes, we investigate the character in vain. Another factor is that in the course of the itinerary is also the odd side trip (return). If you are not informed of this fact, we still puzzled about the markers.

In this post, it should go to a section of the Alta Via Gable Berger, the section of the Geroksruhe to corral space. This section has the advantage that it only goes downhill. Another advantage is the possibility of the arrival and departure with the light rail line U15. The section passes through an area in the famous Stuttgart altitude, the Gänsheide.

starting point of the Section is to stop Geroksruhe subway line U15. Leave the station on the valley side and goes right through the stadteinwärtsführende track. Behind it, you cross the street level forest east using the traffic lights and follow the heavy traffic Pischekstraße few meters down to the viewpoint Geroksruhe on the right.

The viewpoint Geroksruhe: there are pictures of the view in the post from 02.03.2010.
few meters behind the viewpoint Geroksruhe leave the Pischekstraße right in the Gänsheidestraße. It leads down to the so-called spider. That is the nickname for the great crossroads Pischek-/Payer-/Gänsheidestraße. You cross the big intersection using traffic lights, passing in front of the light rail station into town. At the end of the crossing, turn left into the street Payer. Now it has survived the worst road to traffic and transportation. There now follow some some very quiet streets in the area Gänsheide. You take the first turn right into the Gröberstraße, with a small right shift and later as a staircase to the Richard-Wagner-road. There does of the Gable Berger trail a detour to the left of the State Department over to the viewing plate Wieland-Wagner-height.

entrance to the villa Reitzenstein, the official residence of the Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg

view plate Wieland-Wagner-height: there are pictures of the view in the post of 19:11:09
is from the viewing point, in the course of the Richard-Wagner-Strasse back to the Albrecht-Goes-place at the intersection Gerok-Gänsheidestraße.

viewing point at the Albrecht-Goes-Platz
Man Cross the road and the tracks of light rail and turns left onto Gänsheidestraße. Soon after, turn left onto Hiller Street, ending in the canon Häusle.

was from the little house of cannon formerly of city fires Alarm.
About Gellertstrasse you return to the Gänsheidestraße. Turn left into this road and reached the Heidehofstraße at a small roundabout system. Where does the trail Gable Berger a second trip, right in the Heidehofstraße. It is now on the large estate of Robert-Bosch-house with parking pass.

gateway to the Robert-Bosch-Haus in Heidehofstraße
The trip ends before the Heidehof Gymnasium. Now one goes back over the Heidehof road and turn right after the estate of Robert-Bosch-house to the right in the narrow Hugo Eckener-road. It leads to the lookout point ostrich season.

From the vantage point you look over to Strauss Season Uhlandshöhe, it is more likely in the post from 10.11.09.
leads from the lookout down the bouquet season between gardens and houses.

The ostrich Season leads down to the Lebanon Road.
At the foot of the season you have to turn left onto Lebanon Road. You to the corral room. There, this tour ends in the course of Gable Berger Höhenweg. The trail turns right there in the corral road. Straight ahead is just a few meters, the light rail station Heidehofstraße U15.

The path length from the stop at the stop Geroksruhe Heidehofstraße including the detour is about 3.5 kilometers.


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