A walk through an industrial area is not necessarily what people think of as a joy-making hobby. In today's post we still want to make an exception and once by the Esslingen Neckar meadows business park go.
reason for today's walk is the imminent opening of new sidewalks along two streams that have been rehabilitated. The proposed route runs along a large part of the water, either along the Neckar river, or along one of the two renatured streams. The business park itself occurs in this context something back and Walk turns out to be quite rewarding enterprise.
The two streams that have been rehabilitated to sections Neckar meadows in the industrial area, are the Haines and the Zellerbach. As part of the 1.22 million-euro measure was the Haines on a length of 200 meters, renatured, the Zellerbach even on a length of 900 meters. Renatured parallel to the water courses were new (gravel) anglegt way.
But there is another special feature of this walk. As of 22/02/2011, only the path along the stream is open grove. The road along the Zellerbach is largely complete, but still closed. The completion of the work is targeted for end of February 2011 (no guarantee). It is therefore advisable to wait a couple of days, then increase with warmer temperatures have the new ways in appearances.
The mouth of the creek in the grove Neckar Neckar meadows at the business park renatured. |
The Haines was Neckar meadows in the business park on a length of 200 meters renatured. |
Comfortable gravel paths now accompany the renatured portions of Haines and Zellerbach. |
View from the Zeppelin road to the restored Zellerbach and the new footpath. |
view from the Fritz-Müller-Strasse to a portion of the renatured Zellerbach. In the background, turn and river walk in front of the railway line to the right. |
Partial proceeds of the Zellerbach along the railway line Stuttgart-Plochingen. |
the S-Bahn station Oberesslingen (S1), it is down to the pedestrian underpass and then turns southwest towards the industrial area. The tunnel ends at the Fritz-Müller-Str. Follow the Fritz-Müller-Strasse few meters to the right (direction Stuttgart) on the railway line and turn left into the street index. It leads to the Neckar river.
on the Neckar River, turn left and follow the footpath up to the confluence of the Neckar Haines and the road running parallel to Lilienthal. Now it takes a detour and follow the new footpath along the Haines to the railway line. From there, you go back to the Neckar.
is on the riverside path is now on neckar up. Just before the bridge is Sirnau left portion of the renatured Zellerbach. We carefully crossed the road Zeppelin and then follows the new Zeller walk along the stream. Here is crossed later, the Fritz-Müller-Strasse, go straight along the stream behind it, turn before the railway line from the right and reaches the end of the renatured section, the rail road, which is initially only one walk. Follow the trail and later the road is always parallel to the railway line and then reaches the cell station (S1). The path from station to station Oberesslingen cell is 3.6 kilometers.
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