Monday, December 27, 2010

Pinewood Derby Tank Templant

Through the winter the Middle Castle Garden

The Middle Castle garden starts right at the Stuttgart main train station and almost all people of Stuttgart familiar. After the fallen in recent days, amounts of snow castle garden offers the Middle completely new images. A short walk can be worthwhile, provided you are dressed warmly. The walk is about 2.2 kilometers long, the roads are cleared.

is also opposition to the project Stuttgart 21 currently nowhere more present than in the Middle Castle Gardens. So there is much to see in the middle of parkland, which is part of a much larger park connecting downtown to the Killesberg is.

From the Central Station via the South Exit or the Velcro can be accessed directly from the Middle Passage in the castle gardens. In this post, a tour of the Middle Castle Garden is described counterclockwise. After crossing under the road "in the castle garden in the park to keep to the right half.

tree houses in the Middle Castle Garden: the most prominent form of resistance against Stuttgart 21
A poster from Austria speaks to courage was in Vienna in the eighties of the last century planned a Danube power plant that would have destroyed many miles most valuable floodplain forests. After fierce resistance from the people of Vienna, the project was eventually abandoned. At the point of the power station is now the National Park Donau-Auen. This is Vienna one of the few cities worldwide on their territory, a National Park. One dares to think hardly: the creativity and positive energy which will be released in Stuttgart when the project Stuttgart 21 is stopped
tents, framed by cardboard: all respect for those who are staying here with the current refrigeration.
Opposition Stuttgart 21 is creative, the Monday demonstrations with their papers, for example, have almost become something like the real folk high school. Some people are irritated by it.
The vigil in the Middle Castle Garden is always open.
Eberhard group from the year 1876: Graf Eberhard im Bart puts his head on the lap of a subject. This is based on the story of Count Eberhard is said to have once said that he was with his people so popular that he no could create doubts his head in the lap of every subjects. This story also takes the banner of the Stuttgart 21 reference resistor. Whether some of today's national politicians could say the same thing as Count Eberhard, let's question gently.
When Eberhard group one turns left and walks toward the already visible pyramid of the planetarium.

The park guards, a group within the Action Alliance against Stuttgart 21, have numbered all the trees felled for the project Stuttgart 21 should be.
The Stuttgart Planetarium in the Middle Castle Garden
You go left at the Planetarium over and then straight ahead.

right of the path is a ruin of the former summer home. At the time, this was one of the finest Renaissance buildings in Germany. The ruins part was preserved in 2010 consuming. Behind it stands the new building of the Ministry of Interior between Middle Castle Garden and Willy-Brandt-Strasse. At this bar you have to get used first. However, the traffic noise of the Willy-Brandt-road through the new building effectively shielded.
The winter is vewandelt the trees into new forms.
The cold has let freeze the so-called Lower Lake in the Middle Castle Gardens in full. There is no place for ducks.
It is now around the lower lake around and on the northwest side of the Middle Castle Gardens back again to the central station.

It comes on the premises by the so-called Black Thursday. This is 30 September 2010 meant when hundreds of police officers some with batons, water cannons, pepper spray and physical force pushed back people who were staying on the site and demonstrated against Stuttgart 21. On the night of 30 09. to 01.10. here were like precious trees to the so-called ground water management for the construction of the low station of Stuttgart 21 set. The site is now fenced stable. Construction was set during the arbitration to Stuttgart 21 and have still not been received much more. In the background is the main station to the tower and the south wing. It is hard to imagine that the south wing, one of the few historic buildings that Stuttgart has still to be demolished for Stuttgart 21 soon.
The fence was festooned with posters for several weeks Stuttgart 21 Today is still a wreath with the inscription, in deep mourning, Stuttgart.
This one is back to the starting point of the walk through the Middle Castle Gardens. The winter will eventually be over. The resistance 21 against Stuttgart will continue to achieve success!


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