Sunday, December 12, 2010

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The Golden handshake

has never read the balance sheets of broadcasting was as exciting as today. For

: Rüdiger Search Lands article "The self-abolition of German television" in Telepolis from 12.08.2010 with the hanger of a presumption of the amount invested by the NC-R radio system for the additional retirement of its employees tp/blogs/6/148896
has caused quite a stir.

For example, when Stefan Niggemeier in his blog picture:

After studying the figures into perspective KEF Rüdiger Suchsland its original presumption in a personal opinion and percent of the presumption to be withdrawn:

There are now but not 50 percent of the fee income that are used to increase the statutory retirement revenue by company pensions. For 2010, this according to search according to country. KEF ["expenses for the retirement benefits of the radio stations" (p. 85)] but only 570 million euros (gross) as the total amount [for ARD, ZDF and DRadio], which apparently according Niggemeier gem. KEF only 5 percent of fee income are. If we take the approach and the Niggemeierschen also the three-sentence to help, then the fee revenue would be 11 billion and 400 million euros. In fact, the prognosis for the KEF 2009 - 2012 but with 33 804 million EURO, at around 8451 million euros in total revenue per year for the period. Percentage is thus the cost of pension provision, based on the total revenue at just under 7 percent. Total revenue, however, include advertising revenues. Therefore, the expense is for retirement pension based on the fee income well above 7 percent. However

tilts the image if the current expenditures for staff costs with the pension expense compares.

Because there are 1666 million euros in personnel costs (excluding pensions) [lt 17. KEF report for 2009 - 2012, quoted by search country] to him for four long years of retirement for 553 million euros a year (with ARD + ZDF). - € 416.5 million per year in personnel costs compared to € 553 million in pension plans. - That is to say: the pension is higher than the current services to be personnel costs. The

so obviously slumbering in KEF Reports scandal is not the false assumption that the total fee revenue reportedly about 50 percent went to retirement benefits; - What brought them to the dispute to day, so the fact that the pension benefits are higher than the actual cost of staff benefits.

And that is true, however, but the assumption that current production contaminated margins narrow sharp and significant, which just leads to "cheap programming. For the budget of just over EUR 80 million on "Program Requirements" each year, for the many full programs of ARD and ZDF (ARD, ZDF and digital channels, Kika, Phoenix, 3SAT, 3 TV programs of the various ARD, entire ER-Radio) is really not very much, about the prevailing program outsourcing pressure. Thus was

Rüdiger Search Lands Post-stimulating discourse and very welcome.

With Leopold return, I would say the frame of reference is the scaling ago to great because of increasing systemic administration and pension costs threaten to choke the productivity of its individual components as a whole. You could also put it this way: The designed in the 1950s television theater institutions with attached e-camera, workshops and janitorial work at their full differentiation after about 50 - 60 years now curiously out in an all round parceled media landscape from another time .

If you would like to think ahead: what would a "public broadcasting" on the amount of time actually especially in its institutional base?



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