Christmas is supposedly the feast of contemplation, but unfortunately this year was very late to feel anything like this. To 23 December, I had to do in my end-of-project is still plentiful. After I then against 17 clock finally closing time had (except the cleaning woman had the entire rest of the company long ago adopted over the winter holiday), I have my beloved S-Bahn station at the University of Dortmund picked up. Because of numerous jams, especially on the highway 2, we had about half the distance to Bielefeld drive over country roads, but this almost as annoying was to stand as in a traffic jam, because the legions of drivers even at closing time freest route simply did not come from the quark.
at half past eight we arrived somewhat unnerved in Bielefeld. After dinner we had, understandably, probably not too much nerve to even unpack our bags, so all lay there and stand and we were completely worn to bed. For too long we could sleep on Christmas Eve but not because we do some shopping and above all still had to get a Christmas tree. To at least get a bit of fresh air, then we have a little trip to my Geocache GCXWBT Franciscan done that could be moved to the end of the excavations in the church ruins back to his original place.
Before decorating the Christmas tree, then we have cleaned up my first apartment. First, I had all my luggage back again, which I had during a half month project use the flat of my loved ones crammed full and now wanted back in the suitcases in the appropriate cabinets or at least in the washing machine. Moreover, had brought along my love with for a short Christmas holiday clothes somehow set up at me and stood on top of that my table, my desk and the whole kitchen full of all sorts of stuff that was left behind in recent months because of project deployment. Finally, I did not want to spend Christmas in a home delivered with the flair of a landfill.
Unfortunately, my dear mother for not very much understanding. Half the afternoon they began to rush in her inimitable way herumzunerven. They constantly asked if I decorate the Christmas tree for this year would not if I wanted to decorate the Christmas tree until Christmas Day, if I wanted to celebrate Christmas do not know if I decorate the Christmas tree this year because no say in whether I Christmas tree until the first decorate holiday, would if I wanted to celebrate Christmas do not know if I decorate the Christmas tree for this year would not if I wanted to decorate the Christmas tree until Christmas Day, if I wanted to celebrate Christmas no, about as often and in this order .
After I finally explained several times for stupid, reproached me that I was supposed to no time planning in the situation had (as always, when my own schedule is not exactly hers) and me constantly with all those little niceties of had brought the concept and, moreover, also stayed quite a while, I finally came to the Christmas tree to decorate. It would have been nice if I drink before yet alone a cup of tea, eat some cookies and would employ instead of the stupid TV herumquäkenden some beautiful music from a CD, but can even this small measure of peace and quiet I was not able to granted.
had Instead, I decorate the Christmas tree in turbo speed, and I hurried my mother ever have any candles, beads and straw star tried to push into the hand, even though I already had his hands full with other things. This she managed to delay the whole operation rather than to speed yet, and generated a lot of completely unnecessary stress. At the same time she cut still around on me and provoked me constantly so that I would have exploded almost at the end and my sweetheart who preferred to retreat into the next room. The highlight was that I then had to listen too, why because I would not drink my tea, which would still cold. No wonder that they did not let me come to drink!

The Christmas spirit I felt at that time anyway verhagelt ever thoroughly. Fortunately, my mother has at some point but still managed to pull itself together for the rest of the evening, otherwise there would be some time yet to be strenuous arguments come. It is sad to watch as the increasing age at her stubbornness in the form of constant condescension and now even more often by insulting remarks towards me starting to. Apparently it is more difficult to clear with the idea that I can master my own life, and must therefore constantly ask me to alleged inability to keep their dwindling world upright.
a little absurd acted in this connection that initially estimated this year at our Christmas presents piled in a way that we had not known since almost two decades. As if the quantity of gifts to would act directly inversely proportional to the affection shown otherwise. Of course this year was my love for the first time in our present, and of course they had also brought several gifts she had from her parents and grandparents have sent in the mail or we have during our visit to the Lausitz region of her best friend had noticed that we had (now allowed to tell it so) in return as a Christmas gift a floret Japanization left there in pretty paper wrapped hammer drill.
So the mess that is this year took an unusually long time. Before and during which we encountered in previous years, instead of the usual champagne, the us anyway, no one really compatible, with currant wine from a half-liter round-bottom flask, which we had brought in the spring of the Knights playing in rock-free. The evening was quite long, and the bottle was half empty in the end, before it was replaced for dinner (there was the usual in our traditionally smoked eel) with a dry white wine. Honestly, I do not understand people who gorge themselves on just such a feast of the year so banal commonplace foods such as sausages and potato salad behind the gills. But to each his own ...
What was there as gifts, you would like to know? All right, for completeness I mention here a few Things, and I leave out, however, including the entire candy, with which all parties were trying to fatten each other to death. My mother got me four books and a booklet with 100 Sudoku puzzles, because reading and puzzles for a long time to be their only remaining free-time employment seem. From my dearest she was named a chic Christmas Dekodecke for the living room table and a bowl for the evaporation of fragrance oils with several interchangeable colored glass tea light, which was to buy it this year, virtually anywhere in the Christmas market.
As my mother as usual throughout the year all the fence posts with hints about "possible had Weihnachtsgeschänke ignored consistently, limited the range of their own creativity in essence, two new pajamas, which I'm still not so sure if me not two sizes too big. After all, I have since last Christmas so decreased somewhat. In addition, I received several things that I had recently checked in a Humanitas catalog. In addition to some books primarily a mini pocket knife from his home Laguiole (which I actually rather as a possible gift for my love had checked) and a Ornithopter , an artificial bird as a toy for an original design Leonardo da Vinci (but now "appropriate" plastic), worth mentioning.
I received from my loved ones including a double CD and double-DVD pack Schandmaul (Sinnfonie "), which we had witnessed in August when Fährmannsfest live in Hanover. Moreover, I should now call a beautiful incense (probably soapstone) my own, and two candle holders that fit perfectly color to a small, stone vase, which she has already given me in the summer, but should come from a completely different source. By her best friend, I received a hand-carved wooden box with a perforated pattern in the Gothic and then with leather lined Cover (similar to a window-rosette of any Gothic cathedral). So thematically at the very time fitting that we present when we "descend" on events in the Middle Ages.
United were the eyes, when my beloved was aware that I had her second-hand is responsible for all six volumes of the book series "The Wizard of the Emerald City" by Alexander Volkov in the old edition (in 2005). In the autumn of this year, I was at the same task failed before, because both Amazon and Although the old issues in their online catalogs were available, but instead provided the new total verhunzten translations and then every six volumes of I received back by return mail. It was quite a riot, the actual original volumes from various antique dealers gather up all over Germany, but ultimately it has been worthwhile to do this alone for a moment, and for the certainty of a loved one a great joy.
course was this gift is not as big and as modern as the LCD flat display that she got from my mother (well, not quite without my help ...) get. And of course, was far more urgent needs, but had the antediluvian CRT monitor (the flickering with green diagonal stripes on the screen) during the year given up the ghost and has since taken an even older and smaller model that a friend had had left his place. Not exactly eye-friendly, if you ask me, and besides, this ancient treasure already half over. Now I may well someday again carry monitors, for both the old equipment is certainly just a case for the scrap heap. Not
simply rounded, but was once again topped the giving of the (simultaneously Christmas and a very belated birthday) gift that got my love of her best friend. We had a few months ago when radicals Chest Bielefeld in the best materials for a complete medieval outfit of petticoat, and Bliaut Tasselmantel selected and sent for processing to her friend in the Lausitz. Since this given us during our visit in late November a large, sealed package was in which was incidentally also my carved wooden box, we were extremely excited to see what had come out at the end of worried about it.
And we were disappointed with anything but! The drapery has become absolutely great. Unfortunately, became the first try-on photos taken anything because of the sparse living room light pictures taken in the green Bliaut really just brown looks like the woolen coat, while my darling to the images taken with flash looks as pale as a ghost castle. But I am sure that will come in the course of the year, one or other occasion on which to make one or the other can be presentable photo. At the latest when we return in the spring and that Summer, make medieval markets uncertain.
So then a hectic and stressful day ended but still fairly quiet, although it is the real Christmas spirit to the end but was pretty difficult to prevail against the overwhelming reality. Let's hope once run that the other holidays and New Year's also peaceful and without any further arguments and provocations. I am too optimistic in this respect not because my mother would have to act together for longer than she's used by date but usually rather short visit my loved ones (for if I am alone here, they do the devil himself to me zusammenzureißen in any way).
But at least we have both these days, probably one or the other in a quiet, still night we spend with each other, without being of any construction workers by 7 clock in the morning torn with heavy equipment from sleep and shake some literally out of bed. And respected my mother at least when I visit, my privacy is not permanently and without asking for me came bursting in, as they often do otherwise, as if I were a small child that needs to be spoon-fed it and supervise. So we look forward to a few quiet nights - if any of them will be holy, however, I venture to doubt to be honest ...

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