Withoutabox.com as the exclusive international submission partner of the Globians Doc Fest series with its Online Film Festival Submission System is accepting online submissions for "GLOBIANS DOC FEST HALLE 2012 Audiovisual Anthropology" starting today. As an incentive to independent film makers, no submission fees will be requested for festival submissions to "GLOBIANS DOC FEST HALLE 2012 Audiovisual Anthropology" until January 10th, 2011 [on Pacific Standard Time, (PST), UTC−8]
In 2012 Globians Doc Fest Berlin will be starting-up a second and independent festival venture in the German city of Halle on the Saale river. HALLE is a very old city and was first mentioned in the year 806. It's a city of culture and made an early fortune with harvesting of salt. The city played also an important role in Martin Luther's Reformation. The Giebichenstein Castle (961), the Red Tower (1418) and the Moritzburg palace (1503) may provide a brief impression of history's visual presence in today's local life.
The programming of 'GLOBIANS DOC FEST HALLE 2012 Audiovisual Anthropology' will be curated independently from the Berlin world+culture festival venture. While Globians Doc Fest Berlin already toured through Germany in 2010 (when we brought a festival visit to the renowned "Linden-Museum" of Stuttgart), our HALLE spin-off will even further focus on bridging the world of world+culture documentaries as an art form with the sphere of academic research in the fields of Audiovisual Anthropology. We feel that this is a very substancial connection to strike on both sides of audiovisual documentarism.
The city of HALLE, with a population of about 232,000, is one of the major and preeminent centers of academic anthropological research in Germany: The University of Halle was founded in 1694. It is now combined with the University of Wittenberg and is called the Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg. Together with the "Seminar für Ethnologie", the Graduate School Society and Culture in Motion, the city is also home to the Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology. The German Academy of Sciences Leopoldina of Halle is one of the most respected scientific societies in Germany.
Hence, our HALLE festival progamming will be more focused on "social anthropology" subjects, topics and methodics. However, our "wild mix" in festival programming proacting for a consciousness enabling a sustainable future of planetary life will prevail. We want to bring our Berlin mood of GLOBIANS also to the city of HALLE. And by this we intend to maintain our range of documentary subjects, proved by the Globians Doc Fest series since 2005: world cultures, sub cultures, social change, local persistence, craftmanship, visual arts, music, theater, gender, myths, religion, knowledge, rural life, urban issues, the globalization process, barter concepts, wholesome technology, equilibrium dynamics, time as experience, the wisdom of plants, animals and species, healing, nature and mind, spirit.
We feel that HALLE as a city of culture will truely fit to the 'Globians way of life': In the past Halle was a centre of German Pietism and played an important role in establishing the Lutheran church in North America. Famous Baroque composer Georg Friedrich Händel was born in Halle on 23 February 1685, and lived in the city for 17 years. German writers such as Heine, Eichendorff, Schleiermacher, Tieck and Novalis established the town as one of the centers of the German Romanticism. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was seen often in town as a guest of his close friend Johann Friedrich Reichardt. Today, HALLE features a vibrant scene of modern art and alternative life styles. The German National Foundation for the Arts and Culture is located in town as well as the broadcasting center of public radio for Central Germany plus several research centers for new media. A vibrant city for demanding documentaries.
Globians world+culture Documentary Film Festival Berlin
August 12-17, 2011
Audiovisual Anthropology
April 20-22, 2012
The direct submission link at Withoutabox.com
The direct submission link at Withoutabox.com
for GLOBIANS DOC FEST HALLE 2012 Audiovisual Anthropology:
Festival Curator:
Dr. Joachim Polzer
Festival Office Administration / Project Sponsor: Mentor
of change
profit limited liability company
(mentor of Change NPO)
PO Box 60 13 61
phone D-14 413 Potsdam, Germany
+49,331,279 76 62
email info@globians.com
register number: HRB 21 511 P
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