Perhaps I should preface this article, a brief explanation of the term "Lost Place. Let us therefore first speak Wikipedia :
The term Lost Place is a word from the English-speaking world and means something like "forgotten place". Mostly it is buildings from the recent history that have been either not yet been viewed historically (and recorded), or due to their lack of importance no public interest and are therefore not considered as particularly noteworthy.
[The term] Lost Place is often synonymous with industrial ruins or no longer needed used military installations. Actually, the term but is used for any place that has come in the context of its original use in oblivion. In particular, these include places that are not consciously preserved for posterity by a wide audience and made available as industrial monuments.
The fascination of these places lies precisely in this lack of originality and the (tourism) development, which offers visitors the chance, even go to "discover" and experience this history first hand and to be able to individually. On the other hand, involves the nature of places and sometimes underestimated dangers. Furthermore, the admission of such places is rarely defined clearly in law, so visitors lost places also act sometimes rather anonymous.
A most interesting are the Lost Place Albuhera + Victoria Barracks Werl. This former barracks of the British armed forces in Germany were on 20 07. closed 1994th Meanwhile, the location has spread not only in circles of Lost-place fans. On the site there is a geocache called "Lost Place Camp (GC1C7FH) is qualified Unfortunately, some of the most interesting parts of the barracks site omits. But the fire the terrain has made the venue for large-scale exercises. Well, hopefully not all from the torches ...
The following photos are meant to give the reader of this blog some impressions of the fascination of such a "lost" site, which is largely left to the wind and weather, and is since then gradually regained from nature. Rational observer might see in these pictures may only decline, imaginative people will open up, however, that here every stone breathes the breath of history. At this point but was expressly pointed out that the admission of such a site, of course, always at your own risk. Every visitor should always be the personal responsibility of his actions are conscious.
Autumnal mood in "Lost Place Camp:
The former gymnasium of the barracks:
One of the church ruins on the site:
The screening room of the former cinema" Globe ":
The bar in the former (officers?) Canteen:
mural in a former telephone-niche:
The boiler room of the old thermal power station:
is here, though, someone played too much pipemania:
conquered nature back lost ground:
For fungal friends the site could be interesting:
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