On 15 March 2010 start the online survey on health literacy 2010. This study is being conducted in cooperation with the BARMER GEK and the Competence Centre for training and work design ( comfortable ) of the University of Wuppertal . In the center of the study is the health literacy. This is the personal conviction that they could handle health problems. The aim of the study is to better understand how health literacy is related to conditions in the workplace. In addition, comparisons between age groups, genders, etc. will. be carried out. In addition, the health literacy types to be related to health in context. Further information is available in BARMER GEK Health Report 2010 - Part 1 .
Try your own health literacy - To retrieve your personal health skills profile:
The study will run until 31 May 2010. The results are in the summer of 2010 in the Barmer GEK Health Report 2010 - published in part 2.